
Address: J and B Tool Sales Business Address: 31720 Plymouth Road LIVONIA MI 48150 US
Amazon Link: JBTools
Company Website:https://www.jbtools.com/
Date Established: 2009
Key people: Jason Petta
Business model: Private label
Number of Products: n/a
Estimated Revenue: N/A

Lifetime Feedback 12 Month Feedback 90 Day Feedback 30 Day Feedback Reporting Date
116,687 7,409 1,693 505 2024-12-01
116,219 7,606 1,782 560 2024-11-01
115,680 7,660 1,817 664 2024-10-01
115,062 7,602 1,858 596 2024-09-01
114,472 7,727 1,994 600 2024-08-01
113,894 7,855 2,087 708 2024-07-01
113,254 7,817 2,093 755 2024-06-01
112,512 7,752 1,969 684 2024-05-01
111,179 7,921 1,736 622 2024-03-01

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