Amazon FBA Fee (US) Calculator

Get the most accurate Amazon FBA fee estimates with just a few clicks.

Fee Breakdown

Total Fee: $0.00

Fulfillment Cost: $0.00

Tier: N/A

Dim Weight: 0.00 lbs

Cost additional lbs: $0.00

Fee Schedule Last Updated: October 15, 2024 (Updated for 2024 fee increases)

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Calculate Your Fees

Enter your item dimensions and weight

FBA Fees Frequently Asked Questions

This calculator calculates FBA fees for the U.S. (.com) marketplace.

Dimensional weight is an industry standard that calculates weight based on volume instead of actual weight. Amazon calculates this by multiplying the item's length, width, and height, then dividing by 139. The greater of dimensional weight or actual weight is used to calculate fees.

There are many ways to determine what dimensions Amazon has recorded to calculate your fees. One of the easiest ways is to search "remeasure" in the Seller Central help section and enter your ASIN.

To verify how Amazon is calculating your FBA fees, find a previous order under "Manage Orders."

Click the total to view the breakdown.

Click the "FBA Pick & Pack Fee" line item to see a breakdown of the dimensions used for the fee.

Apparel items have a different fee schedule than other items on Amazon.